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Mount Athos

St. Trinity PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Not far from the Blagoveshchensk cloister there is one more Russian cell belonging to the monastery of Hilandar- a cell of the Sacred Trinity. It has been revived by the celibate monk Nifont (Krasnov).

normal_arsanas-xelandariou.JPGIt is belived that the cell has been founded in XII century by the Abbot Savva though there is no written evidence of the history of the cell. At that time two merchant brothers have arrived to the monastery abandoning their wealth and honour for the sake of their souls.  Having lived some years in monastery they realized that dwelling in the monastery filled with monks was a burden. Then the Abbot Savva had blessed them on a hermetical life, and they have lodged in the deserts, on a half-hour distance from monastery. Here they have spent many years of the ascetic life until they died. The katholikon named after the Saint Trinity was also constructed on the blessing of the Abbot Savva.


Last Updated ( Monday, 13 October 2008 )
Annunciation of the Virgin Mary PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

The well-known cell of the Annunciation of the Theotokos belongs to the monastery of Hilandar. It had been constructed in XI century (about 1200), presumably by St. Savva.

St.Ignatius of Antioch PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Not far from St. Andrew’s skete a cell of St. Ignatius of Antioch towers above Karyes. The cell belongs to the monastery of Hilandar; it was founded by St. Savva’s father, The tsar of Serbia Stephan Nemani in the end of the 11th century.

St.John the Chrysostom (Iviron) PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

normal_arsanas-xelandariou.JPGOn the land of the Iveron monastery near to a cell of St. Nikolay named "Bourazeri" there is a cell named after St. John Chrysostom. This cell is considered to be one of the most ancient ones. The year of its construction is unknown but according to some sources it’s more than 600 years old. Till 1821 it belonged to Greeks and then it had passed in Russian hands.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 30 January 2007 )
St.John the Chrysostom (Chilandari) PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 30 January 2007

The cell of St. John Chrysostom belonging to the monastery of Hilandar is located on a lonely hill. As well as many other Athos cells it had been constructed centuries ago presumably in XII century. Names of the Russian elders inhabiting the cell in the XVIII century are Matvey, Nektary and Anfim, monks Nikifor and Rafail.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 01 February 2007 )
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