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Wednesday, 27 December 2006

The Holy Monastery of Gregoriou was founded in the 14th century by the ascetic Gregorius. Little is known about the founder himself, other than that he was the disciple of the Blessed Gregorius of Sinai.


normal_P4134835.JPGIt recovered from the destruction caused by pirates raids in 1500 and fire of 1761 and was re-established with the help of Orthodox princes, in particular John Stephen the Great, Prince of Moldavia in who played a leading role and considered to be the second founder of the Monastery.


In 1840 the monastery became a coenobium. In 1859 Symeon was appointed as the Monastery’s Abbot.He held office for 46 years and paid off the debts of the Monastery, gave support to the construction of new buildings. The new katholikon of Gregoriou was built in 1770 and its carved wooden sanctuary screen was also installed at that time. The katholikon is dedicated to St Nicholas.

Treasures held within the monastery


The Monastery possesses some 279 manuscripts and approximately 6,000 printed books, a small part of the True Cross, relics of saints, sacred vessels and vestments.


Miracle-working icons within the monastery


odhgPant.jpgOur Lady Hodigitria (Pantanassa). Dedication “a gift of Lady Maria Assasina Paleologue, the Regent of Moldovia” is still to be found on the icon. The gift was made by Maria Paleologue upon the Monastery’s foundation in 1500. Theotokos is depicted with gentle but sad face, holding 3 year old Jesus. The icon remained intact during devastating fires in the Monastery.









vrefokratousa.jpgOur Lady Galaktotrophousa is XIVth century icon depicting Theotokos feeding Baby Jesus.

Last Updated ( Friday, 29 December 2006 )
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