Friday, 12 January 2007 |
The cell Ravdouhou or Ravda is the former monastery located in the northeast direction from the monastery of Koutloumousiou. This is the most ancient monastic settlement on the Mount Athos, more ancient than the Great Lavra. It was constructed in the IX century. According to some sources it also the most ancient monastic community in .jpg) Europe with 12-century history. From XII till XIV century the monastery occupied 14th place in the hierarchy of the monasteries of the Sacred Mountain, but in the second half of the XIV century it had fallen into decay because of frequent Muslim attacks and then it had passed in the category of cells. The beginning of the XX century was very difficult for this cell as almost all its buildings decayed. Since 1990 the condition of the cell is improving gradually, the buildings are restored. Now the cell belongs to the monastery of Pantokratoras. The katholikon of the church is dedicated to the Theotokos.
Treasures held within the cell
Two most ancient Athos frescoes depicting the Apostles Pavel and Peter in their full height.
Last Updated ( Monday, 15 January 2007 )